Spazio Per Arte

SPA | Spazio Per Arte (space for art) – this is the name that collectors Laura and Luigi Giordano chose for their project at Palazzo Bellini in the centre of Oleggio (NO). SPA is a private space, open to the public, allowing anyone to encounter contemporary art in all its forms. SPA hosts annual contemporary art exhibitions accompanied by a diverse programme of meetings, events, workshops, conferences, and insights.




“What is this story of ‘whiteness’ about?” Captain Ahab must have thought when he heard about the white whale Moby Dick for the first time. And visitors entering the Palazzo Bellini, in the historic centre of Oleggio might well ask the same question when recovering from their amazement at precious stuccos, frescoes, and wooden ceilings restored to their original splendour, they notice the presence of contemporary works of art.


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